Below is my slide for the presentation on Monday. I have added in the real televisions, an idea that has been circulating for a while now (Stephen came up with the idea last week). I am really excited about the idea of using real televisions within our piece, and Lizzie seemed quite keen on the idea when we pitched it to her earlier in the week. Hopefully we’ll be able to sell the idea of a 3D setup to the clients from the Fire Station.

I’ve been doing more research this week around 3D vj sets. A video that Nancy showed us last week really caught my eye. It creates a whole atmosphere and almost a show, and I am looking forward to trying to replicate something like that. I really feel that as a group we can create something that is more than just a flat background with something projected onto it, and the fact that everyone in the group is so eager to use the TV’s makes it all the more exciting.

However, the research has shown, as well as discussions we’ve had this week, that it is not easy to create something like this, and as a result we have been talking about how best to utilise the televisions. We have discussed ripping out the insides so they’re just a shell, as well as using movable plinths to raise them above the barrier at the Fire Station. It is going to be a lot of work, provided that the clients like the idea, but hopefully it will be doable.



We met with Lizzie on Tuesday afternoon, and showed her everything from the day before. She seemed very positive about the idea, which was reassuring. She also went through what to talk about in the pitch which was useful for the meeting we had as a group after the seminar.

After we met with Lizzie, we had a quick meeting. We discussed the pitch for the following Monday, and what our roles would potentially be. I put my name forward to speak, as I have always been comfortable speaking infront of people, and I feel like I can hopefully sell our idea well. I am also really happy that we will potentially have content to show within the pitch in the form of the logos; something which will hopefully impress the people from the Fire Station.



Friday’s meeting was far longer than Tuesdays. We discussed both ideas for the project, as well as the pitch. We finalised that me, Nancy, Sophie and Andrew would speak on Monday, and that I would be talking about the setup, stage and how the theme fits the night of Lollipop.

Sophie had created a mood board, and Antonia had drawn up some sketches that are going to be translated into a story board. Something that was brought up in Tuesday’s meeting was the fact that we didn’t need a traditional mood board, and that a collection of ideas was perhaps a better alternative when it comes to shoot day. Once again, the brief has meant that we are all departing from the traditional way of creating content; something that I am getting used to, and also quite enjoying.

The mood board and the story board are both going to be put into the presentation, along with the finished .gif of the logos (which will be shown in next week’s blog post(s)). As mentioned before, I am really happy that we have got content, as well as mood boards/story boards that we can show the clients. Something that I learned from the ‘Factual Production’ unit was how important having a good presentation was, and how having something to show was as important as being able to talk well.

We also agreed that we would try and shoot next week, perhaps on the Wednesday. Nancy has managed to source a model that we can use, and we are going to shoot in PG25. I shot out short three-minute film for ‘Fictional Production’ in there, so I am helping Nancy with the paperwork. We were torn between PG25 and Andrew’s house, as his house would have more freedom in terms of when we can shoot, and how long for. I am happy we’ve chosen to use PG25 though, as I enjoyed filming in there, and the lighting/space is far better than a house.

We then wrapped up the meeting, with Nancy going away to touch up the PowerPoint for the pitch on Monday.


On Monday, we met in the student centre at 9, with Fabi Stephen and Luke coming after their workshop. Each of us took a variety of designed logos, and printed more throughout the day (as we managed to get a lot of people to colour the logos in). Antonia managed to get a table at the front of the student centre, so we were seen immediately as students walked in.

It was quite nervy talking to people and getting them to colour in. I didn’t approach many people, and stayed at the table instead of walking around the student centre. I think if we were to redo this, or do something similar, I would try and approach more people, and rely less on other members of the group to get people involved.

It was a really fun day, and a nice break to be able just to colour in for a few hours! People were really supportive of the idea, and seemed keen to help out with redesigning/colouring the logo, which was a pleasant surprise, as it can be quite hard to get people to join in with activities like this (I often will not have time to do things like this on campus if I am approached), so it also gave me an appreciation for how hard it is to approach strangers.

By the end of the day, we managed to get more than 80 logos coloured, far more than our 30-50 goal. This was great news, as it meant we had a lot of content that we could put together already that we could manipulate more; for example, if we needed to we could shorten the time each logo was on the screen without making the overall video very short. This will hopefully mean that Fabi can edit them together with more creative freedom.